Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holy Photos, Batman!

To make up for the overly long break and lack of photos, hold onto your modem, there's lots coming here!

July ended with a visit from Mommy's friends Gretchen and Leigh, they are very funny, and we had a great time together.

I also started sitting on the potty, I had only been asking Mommy for one for 2 months!
But don't get me wrong I'm not actually using it yet :)

August started with a trip to see "ACK ACK" (aka Jack Jack, Laura and James' cat) in West Virginia. While there I went hiking with mommy,

ate ice cream with Uncle James,

learned to blow bubbles in the pool,

and rode the slide with Aunt Laura.

Once back in G'town, I continued to work on my bathing beauty status.

Then we headed off to the beach, where I attempted to summon the waves, but mostly had lots of fun in the "ocean".

We came home to a cold snap, so mommy started to get out the winter clothes and I had a blast with my hats!

Kiki and Brad are having a baby soon, so we went up to help celebrate,

Brad even let me help open the presents!

Hope everyone had a good end of summer, I know I did!

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